Monday, 13 August 2012

Man Attacked By a Bear with a Chainsaw.

I have finished the MAB animation and am now organising for the sound to be done. In the mean time, I thought I would get on with a new MAB! It feels like forever since I last did one.

I hope you enjoy.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Sneak Peek

Hey everyone. Sorry it's been s long between posts. Thought I would give you a peek at the Man Attacked By animation I have been working on. Enjoy! Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Man Attacked By Taun Taun

I thought I would do a special Man Attacked By for a Twitter #drawmanattackedby challenge. This little number was inspired by that slightly awkward scene in Star Wars where Luke was inside a Taun Taun for a little bit. Guy's gotta survive, right?

My Twitter #draw challenge was inspired by @themooks who hosted many monthly challenges and it seemed like such a great laugh, I thought I would have a go for a month.

Visit the Tumblr site of you want to draw your own Man Attacked By and submit it!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Man Attacked By Animation

Right, there is a reason I have been so slack recently. I have been working on a Man Attacked By animation. I have worked with Flash for a while doing websites and what not, but I thought I would have a go at doing an animated short.

The storyboards have all been done, and I have now been working on the animation. I have never done anything like this before so it is a HUGE learning curve. These are some of the backgrounds that I have been working on.